• About Our Team

    Ukrainian/American family on a mission

  • About Our Team

    Ukrainian/American family on a mission

  • About Our Team

    Ukrainian/American family on a mission

  • About Our Team

    Ukrainian/American family on a mission

  • About Our Team

    Ukrainian/American family on a mission

  • About Our Team

    Ukrainian/American family on a mission

  • Ukrainian/American family on a mission

About Our Family Team:

Ukrainian Mother, American Father, and three engaged children.

Our family’s combined activities inspire a US and international audience to be more engaged in helping Ukraine, coordinating those resulting efforts into real material help getting into the hands of Ukrainian volunteers and frontline service providers of all kinds. And boosting involvement and participation to help Ukraine internationally, and boost the morale of Ukrainians in Ukraine, who are facing the toughest time of their lives. But with all our fulltime, hands-on projects, we need your help to sustain our mission and support our activities. (See ending paragraph)

Our strategy is to stage public events that are newsworthy, and that attract public and media attention to what is happening in Ukraine and to inform the public of how they can get involved to help Ukraine with Humanitarian support. Through our exhibitions, rallies, speeches performances and news reporting and short film productions we have had tremendous success in reaching this goal. 

The Brook family children are as active and engaged in the mission as their parents, as cultural ambasadores for Ukraine.

12-year-old Arthur gives speeches at rallies and makes his own news and commentary reports on the situation of the War in Ukraine and the needs of Ukrainians, enphasising what you can do to get involve and help. His videos have also been featured on local and Ukrainian news channels. His videos  can be seen on Youtube at this link:

14-year-old Sofia sings solo performances in Ukrainian and English that engage audiences at Ukraine rallies and marches, and at Ukrainian Cultural events. She is also the audio/video technician and director managing multiple cameras for Arthur’s news programs

10-year-old Yvan sings Ukrainian and English songs with Arthur and Sofia at Ukrainian rallies and other Ukrainian Cultural events. He also provides technical and background support for his brother and sister during their performances, managing the teleprompter, waving flags and speaking to audiences about his family's work for Ukraine. 

The children’s mother, Natalie, is Ukrainian and is the driving force and coordinating hub for all of our local activities and international Humanitarian missions. Natalie works at all hours to communicate with, and coordinate the efforts and needs of volunteers in many countries and time zones, and is the core power and brain that propels and makes all our activities possible. 

The children’s father, Jonathan, provides the background and logistical support, and technical expertise that is needed to keep our family’s show on the road, and takes mission trips to Ukraine.


We need your sustaining support to keep doing this work. We are just a simple family in a unique position and with unique abilities to help Ukraine as we do. And while we usually point people to make donations and send help to grassroots organizations that we help to coordinate and facilitate, we do need financial help ourselves just to pay our way as we give all our time and energy to this mission in these ways that are unique to our family. 

Below is a link that you can use to make a donation to support our family’s work. Thank you for your kindness.
