
“Defenders Without Weapons”

First Responders on the Front Lines in Ukraine

  • Subject 1 - Rescuers Living on the Front Line

    Documenting the daily destruction of civilian life on the Front Line

  • Subject 2 - Making Ukraine Safe Again

    Dangerous cleanup operations and demining will take years but are saving lives every day

  • Subject 3 - Portraits of Heroes

    The faces of bravery and caring

  • Subject 4 - Humanitarian Mission

    Getting Ukrainian First Responders the protective gear and supplies they urgently need

  • Subject 5 - The Interactive Exhibition

    Real physical pieces of the war, from battlefields and civilian destruction around Ukraine that you can touch and feel.

Exhibition highlights

Focusing on Ukrainian Rescuers on the front lines of the civilian battleground, highlighting their sacrifices, bravery, and heroism, and bringing attention to their urgent need for more resources. This exhibition divides into 5 unique categories

Category 1. Living under fire on the front line.

Category 2. Making Ukraine safe again.

Category 3. Portraits of these heroes.

Category 4. Our Humanitarian supply mission

Category 5. Interactive experience with impressive physical material from the war.

About the Exhibition

Ukrainian Emergency Services in action

Photographic works by Jonathan Brook. An in-depth look at the sacrifices, and over-the-edge dangers that Ukrainian Firefighters and Deminers face daily. 

It’s not about the photographer:

With lifesize works of journalistic art, we are highlighting the brave and dangerous work of the heroic Ukrainian Emergency Services in action, putting a human face on bravery and sacrifice that connects with the audience emotionally, in a personal way. 

As a Humanitarian volunteer:

Jonathan Brook has been embedded with the SESU (State Emergency Services of Ukraine) for a majority of the time since the invasion began, taking numerous trips to and throughout Ukraine, working with the National Administration and being sent by Regional Chiefs to the hotspots of greatest danger which need the most international attention. 

The interactive display, taking the exhibit to the extreme:

A shocking array of war artifacts are also on display. Brought back from Ukrainian battlefields and Civilian targets during Jonathan’s frontline work, is a display of recognizable rocket and missile pieces, grenades, exploded artillery, munitions, and more. This display gives a tangible connection to the realities of the war atrocities of the russians in Ukraine that you can literally touch and feel with your own hands.

It’s all about the mission: 

to document the frontline work of these heroes and identify where are the greatest needs for Humanitarian assistance, and to build supply-chain relationships to get these Stations that are under-resourced and strained to the limits, the supplies that they really need. 

The Results:

Raising awareness and building relationships and connections that bring the people of our two countries closer together. As volunteer Humanitarian coordinators we have been able to connect grassroots organizations in the US with those in Poland and Ukraine and other countries, to send an ongoing flow of needed supplies, that are specifically requested from these stations on the front line. 

And now: 

Through this photography exhibit and presentation we would like to share this story and the people in it with you, in hopes that you too will be inspired by the real-life effects of generosity and giving from the heart. We are actively looking for more opportunities to stage this exhibit of Ukraine awareness and connecting.

And please consider clicking on our Donation Link to make a donation to this project. Our operation is small, but with far-reaching results, so every bit you can donate goes a long way.

Video documentaries:

As a does-it-all photographer and video journalist, Jonathan has produced several short documentary films that highlight various aspects and needs of the SESU throughout Ukraine. These videos are online and can be shared with people you know.


Please check out the “About Our Family” page to learn more about the fascinating story behind this project.

If you would like to book our family to give a presentation at your meeting, please send us an email at the email link on this page. 


Preview the Exhibition “Defenders Without Weapons”

  • Subject 1 - Rescuers Living on the Front Line

    Documenting the daily destruction of civilian life on the Front Line

  • Subject 1 - Rescuers Living on the Front Line

    Documenting the daily destruction of civilian life on the Front Line

  • Subject 1 - Rescuers Living on the Front Line

    Documenting the daily destruction of civilian life on the Front Line

  • Subject 1 - Rescuers Living on the Front Line

    Documenting the daily destruction of civilian life on the Front Line

  • Subject 1 - Rescuers Living on the Front Line

    Documenting the daily destruction of civilian life on the Front Line

  • Subject 2 - Making Ukraine Safe Again

    Dangerous cleanup operations and demining will take years but are saving lives every day

  • Subject 2 - Making Ukraine Safe Again

    Dangerous cleanup operations and demining will take years but are saving lives every day

  • Subject 2 - Making Ukraine Safe Again

    Dangerous cleanup operations and demining will take years but are saving lives every day

  • Subject 2 - Making Ukraine Safe Again

    Dangerous cleanup operations and demining will take years but are saving lives every day

  • Subject 2 - Making Ukraine Safe Again

    Dangerous cleanup operations and demining will take years but are saving lives every day

  • Subject 3 - Portraits of Heroes

    The faces of bravery and caring

  • Subject 3 - Portraits of Heroes

    The faces of bravery and caring

  • Subject 3 - Portraits of Heroes

    The faces of bravery and caring

  • Subject 3 - Portraits of Heroes

    The faces of bravery and caring

  • Subject 3 - Portraits of Heroes

    The faces of bravery and caring

  • Subject 4 - Humanitarian Mission

    Getting Ukrainian First Responders the protective gear and supplies they urgently need

  • Subject 4 - Humanitarian Mission

    Getting Ukrainian First Responders the protective gear and supplies they urgently need

  • Subject 4 - Humanitarian Mission

    Getting Ukrainian First Responders the protective gear and supplies they urgently need

  • Subject 4 - Humanitarian Mission

    Getting Ukrainian First Responders the protective gear and supplies they urgently need

  • Subject 4 - Humanitarian Mission

    Getting Ukrainian First Responders the protective gear and supplies they urgently need

  • Subject 5 - The Interactive Exhibition

    Real physical pieces of the war, from battlefields and civilian destruction around Ukraine that you can touch and feel.

  • Subject 5 - The Interactive Exhibition

    Real physical pieces of the war, from battlefields and civilian destruction around Ukraine that you can touch and feel.

  • Subject 5 - The Interactive Exhibition

    Real physical pieces of the war, from battlefields and civilian destruction around Ukraine that you can touch and feel.

  • Subject 5 - The Interactive Exhibition

    Real physical pieces of the war, from battlefields and civilian destruction around Ukraine that you can touch and feel.

  • Subject 5 - The Interactive Exhibition

    Real physical pieces of the war, from battlefields and civilian destruction around Ukraine that you can touch and feel.